Friday, November 8, 2013

The Reason You Believe It is Because He Said It

Politicians lie! This has become as commonly held public belief as the fact the sky is blue and the grass is green. Politicians have lied and mislead the public in America since John Adams and Thomas Jefferson first began slinging mud on each other's overcoats. This week we are supposed to discuss what are the causes and solution of this misinformation and both seem to be fairly simple answers. Politicians lie because they can. Yes it truly is that simple. If only 50% of people believe their misinformation or half-truths, that's 50% more people following their rhetoric than previously. The reason they can is just as simple. There are no consequences for lying in a political forum these days. In the recent presidential election, when either major party's candidate was found to be misleading in their campaign the consequence was the urging too remove the ad. That doesn't account for the millions of people who had previously seen the ad and taken what it was saying at face value. Even after these lies have been brought to light, researchers have found they can leave a "belief echo" than can stay around. Now that we have identified the cause what possible solution is there to this problem? The answer is just as simple. Public interest more in the exposure of lies than actual issues has spurred facts checkers in the media to heavily scrutinize everything political candidates say to find possible misinformation. This interest is who is lying although more than likely more for dramatic reality tv style entertainment purposes has made it easy for misinformation to be quickly ferreted out and exposed. Unfortunately this will not free the political area of their dishonest nature, but at least this is a good step in a positive direction.


  1. Sonney,
    It is a little sad reading your blog, sad that we have come to this in our country, Sad that lying is so pervasive and so many accept it. Where is the man or woman that will stand for truth no matter the consequences? Maybe it can start with me or maybe it can start with you. Stand for truth. My dad always said, "tell the truth and you don't have to remember what you said." Good blog.

  2. Sonney,
    I agree with Carolyn this is very sad that we have come to this in our country. How crazy is it that we use the words leaders and liars in the same sentence. It’s always been easier to tell a lie than tell the truth because the truth hurts. Good job Sonney!

  3. Sonney,
    It is disturbing how in today's time, people can tell whatever lies they want and many listeners will believe it. No one really checks in to see if what a person is saying is true. We just assume that it is because they said it. It is so easy for anyone, not just politicians, to lie. It's time for someone to stand up and just be honest.
