Monday, September 23, 2013

Is There Writing After 35 or A Self Review?

For the majority of my life I have suffered from a perfectionist spirit about my work. I have always striven to do my best and always look  for any opportunity to do just a bit better on something I have done before. Because of this mentality, when I do complete a task I am usually very proud of my work and feel it is the best I am capable of. This is how I felt when I completed my draft of out first essay assignment. These feelings of pride and excellent work quickly diminished though as I began the process of the self review questions. 

Question two asked, " What is the paper's thesis statement?" I thought that's simple it's...... never actually stated. In all of my concern and care about making sure I covered all the areas that were written out in the assignment document, I completely forgot to consider the audience I was writing for. In this oversight I formed my writing in more of an informal style than the thesis and supporting point approach that was being questioned about in this review.
I first told myself, Do Not Panic! Realizing this was the whole purpose of doing this self review. Knowing what was desired from this writing and where I am so far, I now had a destination and a starting point. Knowing where I need to go with this assignment at least gave me an opportunity to improve on my writing and to avoid making the same mistakes on future assignments. I am currently in the process of revising my draft and am hoping through the clarification of my thesis statement and development of my supporting arguments that I can regain the pride and confidence I had when I first wrote it. 

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