Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Proper Design of a Research Paper

Our third writing assignment is a research paper. This is quite different from our previous writing assignment. Unlike previous papers, we aren't suppose to try and persuade people about the information we are sharing with them. The first step in this assignment is finding a topic that interests us. After selecting a topic along these lines, we then do research into the topic. We should not include all the information we find. As our professor referred to this as an "info dump" it will more than likely be a unorganized mess rather than a cohesive source of information. The purpose of a research paper is to collect information and after digesting this, we then synthesize a report covering the important points of our research. The purpose of this paper is to inform our audience rather than persuade them towards one side or another of the argument. An important fact to keep in mind is that this topic will be used for our next writing assignment as well so choose wisely. Also keep in mind that your topic should be narrow enough for a short paper. Choosing too broad of a topic will either make our paper considerably too long or leave our points underdeveloped.   Remember the basic requirements of this assignment, 1500 words, MLA format, and 5 or more sources. Aside from these basic requirements, personally I feel I am focusing on my thesis statement being clear and straight forward, clear and concise supporting information, and a short but complete conclusion. I feel I have come up short on our last two writing assignments and hope to raise the bar for my writing with this one. Aside from a few select topic not allowed, the sky is the limit when it comes to choosing our topic for writing. I have been going over this for a few days now and want to be sure I made the right choice before starting my research. Realizing in our next writing assignment I am going to have to provide a persuasive argument for this topic, I want to be sure this is a topic I want to learn more about and feel strongly towards. This will make sure that I am interested in both writing assignments and motivate me to provide the best papers I am capable of. 


  1. Sonny-Good job on reminding everyone that this topic continues into our next assignment. I've been really thinking about a topic that I am passionate about and want to learn more about it. Like you I am putting extra focus on my thesis and conclusion. I have to remind myself that the paper needs to be 1500 important words not junk.

  2. Sonney,
    I liked how you were sure to include that the topic we pick for our essay three assignment will also be the topic used for our next assignment. You did a really nice job including all the necessary details we will need to include while writing our essay. Good luck!

  3. Sonney, I like how you mentioned that this assignment is different than our last few. I think it may be a little difficult to leave out our own opinions. That is something I will gave to watch for in my own writing. You did a great job in this blog! Good luck with your paper!

  4. Wow, cool post. I’d like to write like this too – taking time and real hard work to make a great article… but I put things off too much and never seem to get started. Thanks though. paper writing service

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