Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Memory v. Memory

In 1994, when I graduated High School, I could recite all important phone numbers in my life at the time. Currently as I sit here writing this blog, it occurred to me I don't know my son's phone number without looking at my phone. Technology, in its ever increasing involvement in our lives, is there for the purpose of freeing up easier tasks to allow us to focus on more important things. As a consequence of this though, the average citizen of a developed country has developed a strong dependency on this technology. This has become the theme for many current television shows, showing us exactly how traumatic it would be to wake up one morning to find all out technology gone. In a psychology class last semester, we discussed nomophobia, which is the fear of not having your mobile device, aka phone. In a recent study 66% of people suffer from this phobia. ( This fear extends to having your phone but not having service as well. The ever increasing dependency on technology is apparent in ever expanding aspects in our lives. An example of this is my recent training for 5k runs, the first thing I did after buying new running shoes was to download a good running app to track my progress in training for me. We use primarily our phones for a majority of our activities in our day to day lives. By these and many other examples I'm sure all of us can relate that technology has drastically changed us as people and as a society. 

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