Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Mr. Rogerian's Neighborhood

It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood, a beautiful day for.... Wait that's not where this is suppose to be going. It seems the clock has spun around a few more times and again we find ourselves in the predawn of another writing assignment. Lucky for us this writing assignment will be using the same topic as our previous Research Paper's we have hopefully all finished up by now. Rogerian Argument, what is this, how does it work, and how do we go about making one? Hopefully by the end of reading this all these questions will be answered.

A Rogerian argument is named after Carl Rogers, who would try to see a debatable topic from various different viewpoints before deciding which viewpoint was correct and arguing it using information or rhetoric. A way to do this is through the use of a naysayer. A naysayer is a person who's viewpoint is contrary to your own or who objects to your viewpoint or argument to support that viewpoint. The details of this paper are: a minimum of 2000 words, at least 8 sources, and MLA format. These facts aside, the important information to keep in mind is the introduction of the naysayer and their opinion, and the subsequent rhetoric showing why your viewpoint is superior to theirs.


  1. Sonney loved LOVED how you opened this with 'Mr. Rodgers.' Great explanation and overrall enjoyable blog.. Made me smile ..

  2. Sonney,
    I loved your opening line! It really made me laugh and it was very creative. Over all you did a great job explaining the Rogerian argument. You put it into your own words nicely and made it very easy to understand. You had a wonderful blog for this week! Great job.
