Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Herbal Remedies or Happy Pills

My research paper was on Psychological treatments throughout history. It is hard to find an argument within that field so decided that I would focus on one particular treatment, Psychotropic drugs, which has become very commonly used in our day and age. The primary naysayer to psychotropic drugs would be someone who favors a more natural approach to mental health such as with the use of herbs. In recent years the popularity of common herbal remedies such as lavender, st. johns wort, and chamomile has exploded as an alternative to the use of psychotropic drugs such as anti-anxiety drugs and anti-depressants. These natural advocates would exaggerate the possible side effects of certain drugs and their commonality and use this as a reason to not take any psychoactive drugs at all. Since very little study has been done concerning the empirical results of herbal treatments for mental disorders, there is a large area for debate over which of these two options would be more effect overall in their use as a treatment. Apothecary uses of herbs instead of mainstream drugs have been done long before and consistently after the introduction of psychotropic drugs such as lithium and valium. Because this treatment is believed safer and less invasive than newer drugs on the market, many would choose them as a preferred treatment. 

1 comment:

  1. Sonney this is a good subject. There are so many naysayers on this subject. I know so many people who have their minds literally 'set' on each way, apothecary and psychoactive. This is a great challenge
